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Sony A77 24.3 MP Translucent Mirror Digital

February 21, 2012

Introducing: Sony A77 24.3 MP Translucent Mirror Digital is a very good entry-level Digital Camera, the Sony A77 24.3 MP Translucent Mirror Digital delivers excellent photo quality in a body that is streamlined for experienced photographers, but relatively for the less advanced.

At least Sony A77 24.3 MP Translucent Mirror Digital is a great choice for Digital Camera, and it's a solid choice for creative still shooters. But though the image quality and general shooting performance are top-notch, if you are upgrading to capture sports, kids, or pets, the Sony A77 24.3 MP Translucent Mirror Digital may capable for it.

Avid photographers who want full creative control over their images should consider a Digital (single-lens reflex) Camera. The Sony A77 24.3 MP Translucent Mirror Digital is a one of models offer the advanced features that experienced shooters need.

This viewfinder will change the way you use your camera. It'll change it for the better because it gives you greater control over the camera than you've ever had before.

Because the viewfinder is an OLED video screen in the eyepiece instead of being a typical piece of glass, you're seeing something entirely different. Something more useful.

An optical viewfinder shows you what the lens is seeing. An electronic viewfinder shows you what the sensor is doing. Think about that for a moment. Let's say you own a Nikon D7000 and you boost exposure compensation. Do you see any change in the viewfinder? Of course not. You'll see that change in the photo you take. That's how SLRs have always worked, even back in the days before digital. Ah, but with the electronic viewfinder in a Sony a77, when you boost exposure compensation, you'll see the image in the viewfinder become brighter, just as the shot you take will be brighter.

An even simpler example: Look through the viewfinder of a DSLR and choose an exposure point. Pick a dark spot. Nothing changes in your viewfinder, right? Pick a bright spot. Do you see any change in the viewfinder? Of course not. But, in the a77 viewfinder, you see the exposure change because the viewfinder is showing you what the camera is doing rather than only showing you what the lens is seeing.

Here's how most of us probably used our DSLRs: You pick the camera up to your eye. You look through the viewfinder to frame your shot, etc. You take the shot and then pull the camera away from your eye so you can review the shot you just took, using the LCD screen on the back of your camera "Ah, shoot. Blown highlights." You lower exposure compensation, put the camera viewfinder to your eye, frame up the shot again and take it again. Then check it again on the LCD screen on the back of the camera.

In other words, it's a game of switching from viewfinder to LCD, LCD to viewfinder, etc etc etc. Back and forth.

With the electronic viewfinder in the Sony a77, you don't have to do that anymore. You can literally see the changes you're making in the viewfinder. And, better still, you can set up your viewfinder to review the shot you just took for 2 seconds (or 5, though I find 2 to be enough). So, you take the shot and immediately see the shot you just took without moving the camera. By Rob (Portland, OR)
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